COVID-19: Show us your knowledge about the virus that is circulating all over the world

COVID-19: Show us your knowledge about the virus that is circulating all over the world

The whole world is going through a very delicate phase and that empathy must be worked on at that time and the knowledge of what should happen !!

Imagem de perfil user: Valentina Santos Alves

What is the coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a large viral family, known since the mid-1960s, that cause respiratory infections in humans and animals.
it is a passing virus, imperceptible and not lethal

Is there a vaccine for coronavirus prevention?

Yes, there is!
Not until now.

What are the main symptoms?

Feeling sick, fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath.
Fever, Cough, Runny nose, Difficulty breathing.

How does coronavirus transmission occur?

Transmission usually occurs by air or by personal contact with contaminated secretions.
Through sexual intercourse.

Can coronavirus kill?

Impossible to kill young people, only the elderly with health problems.
Death can occur due to infection complications.

How to prevent COVID-19?

Staying at home, washing your hands well, using alcohol gel, avoiding much physical contact, cleaning yourself very well.
Going out on the streets, having a lot of physical contact, not cleaning up well.
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