Curiosity about art

Curiosity about art

Quiz - Curiosity about art

Imagem de perfil user: Emily Valentim
Emily Valentim
What does Art mainly express?

What does Art mainly express?

Emotions, History and Culture.
Emotions, opinions and clothes.
Culture, Lies and Truths.
Screens, Earth, Blue.
What does Art represent aesthetically?

What does Art represent aesthetically?

Feelings, Money, Clothes.
Food, music, people.
None of the alternatives.
Harmony, Beauty, Balance.
Where did art come from?

Where did art come from?

It started to be developed in antiquity.
In the Renaissance, divided between concepts.
In ancient Greece, which sought perfection.
In prehistory, represented by rock art.
What are the three medieval periods in art?

What are the three medieval periods in art?

Byzantine, Romanesque and Gothic.
Neoclassicism, Romanism and Realism.
Phenicia, Etruscan and Greek.
Inca, Aztec and Maia.
Was the work "The Scream" painted by?

Was the work "The Scream" painted by?

Salvador Dali.
Gustav Klimt.
Edvard Munch.
Vincent Van Gogh painted which of these works?

Vincent Van Gogh painted which of these works?

The cry.
Starry night.
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