Curupira-PE's game/8th grade

Curupira-PE's game/8th grade

Curupira's work- Julia, Cecilia, Isabella and Mariana Silva

Imagem de perfil user: Julia Carneiro Mansur
What is the color of Curupira's hair?

What is the color of Curupira's hair?

Select the correct sentence:

Select the correct sentence:

Curupira is the president's guardian.
Curupira is the Ney York City's guardian.
Curupira is the forest guardian.
What Curupira liked to receive as gift?

What Curupira liked to receive as gift?

Cerveja "Corona" and Mate
Dead animals
Milk and cookies
Tobacco and Cachaça
What did Curupira do to hunters??

What did Curupira do to hunters??

Killed them or made them get lost
Made them get lost or did a terrifying spell on them.
Killed them himself or gave them to the animals
Where does Curupira live?

Where does Curupira live?

In the rainforest
In the open forest
In the cloesed forest
In the desert
Why does curupira have his feet turned backwards??

Why does curupira have his feet turned backwards??

So he could be confused to wild animals
So he could climb trees more easily
So he can deceive the person who intends to follow him (by looking at his feet)
When the world folklore was created?

When the world folklore was created?

In the 19th century
In the 18th century
In the 20s
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