De qual música é esse trecho? (Twenty One Pilots)

De qual música é esse trecho? (Twenty One Pilots)

Será que você conhece mesmo as músicas do Twenty One Pilots?

Imagem de perfil user: Juliana Salles
Juliana Salles


"Petrified of who you are and who you have become
You will hide from everyone, denying you need someone
To exterminate your bones"

"Petrified of who you are and who you have become You will hide from everyone, denying you need someone To exterminate your bones"

March To The Sea
Friend, Please
Lane Boy
"I will set my soul on fire
What have I become?
I'll tell 'em"

"I will set my soul on fire What have I become? I'll tell 'em"

ode To Sleep
"I'm forced to deal with what I feel
There is no distraction to mask what is real
I could pull the steering wheel"

"I'm forced to deal with what I feel There is no distraction to mask what is real I could pull the steering wheel"

Holding On To You
Car Radio
"Am I the only one I know
Waging my wars behind my face and
above my throat?
Shadows will scream that I'm alone"

"Am I the only one I know Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat? Shadows will scream that I'm alone"

Guns For Hands
"No one really knows his mind and no
one knows behind his eyes.
The man deserves a medal"

"No one really knows his mind and no one knows behind his eyes. The man deserves a medal"

Não é deles essa música....
Johnny Boy
"We get colder 
As we grow older
We will walk
So such slower"

"We get colder As we grow older We will walk So such slower"

Oh, Ms. Believer
March To The Sea
Air Catcher
"He must've forgot to close his door
As he cranked out those dismal chords
And his four walls declared him insane"

"He must've forgot to close his door As he cranked out those dismal chords And his four walls declared him insane"

The Judge
Before You Start Your Day
Message man
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