de quem é essa musica?

de quem é essa musica?

tente descobrir de quem é a musica pela letra

Imagem de perfil user: alguem aleatorio
alguem aleatorio


!- my head's under water but i'm breathing fine you're crazy and i'm out of my mind

!- my head's under water but i'm breathing fine you're crazy and i'm out of my mind

all of me-john legend
falling like the stars- james artur
beautifull life _ now united
Ei, você ainda não percebeu
Depois do que aconteceu
Só sobrou nós dois
Agora é só você e eu

Ei, você ainda não percebeu Depois do que aconteceu Só sobrou nós dois Agora é só você e eu

dois coraçoes-melim
dona de mim-iza
meu talismã-iza
pupila-vitor kley
So I cut you off
I don't need your love
'Cause I already cried enough
I've been done
I've been movin' on since we said goodbye
I cut you off
I don't need your love, so you can try all you want
Your time is up, I'll tell you why

So I cut you off I don't need your love 'Cause I already cried enough I've been done I've been movin' on since we said goodbye I cut you off I don't need your love, so you can try all you want Your time is up, I'll tell you why

perfect-ed sheeran
idgaf-dua lipa
yummy-justin bieber
I gotta reach for the life that I'm living for (living for)
I gotta look to the sky when it's gonna pour (gonna pour)
And no fear for the fight when you're 'bout the score
And that's a matter of fact
And that's a matter of fact

I gotta reach for the life that I'm living for (living for) I gotta look to the sky when it's gonna pour (gonna pour) And no fear for the fight when you're 'bout the score And that's a matter of fact And that's a matter of fact

in my blood-shawn mendes
new rules-dua lipa
how we do it-now united
Help me, it's like the walls are caving in
Sometimes I feel like giving up
But I just can't
It isn't in my blood

Help me, it's like the walls are caving in Sometimes I feel like giving up But I just can't It isn't in my blood

in my blood-shawn mendes
yummy-justin bieber
perfect-ed sheeran
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