
Qual as duas estruturas que usamos para pedir direções
How can i ge to the
Where is the nearest
Can i go to the
Can i where the nearest
How i can get to the
Is where the nearest
How can i get to the
Where is the nearest

Quando usamos o "in"
Usado pra indicar referenciais
Para falar que algo está dentro
Nenhuma das alternativas
Usado pra Regiões (bairro, cidade, estado tudo que for pra mapa)

Quando usamos o "on"
Para indicar uma ação
Para indicar uma área
Para indicar referenciais
Para negar uma pergunta
Para dizer que algo está acima

O que significa straight
Virar a direita
Siga em frente

O que significa "Go Ahead"
No próximo quarteirão
Siga em frente (literal)
Siga em frente
Volte para trás

O que significa right/left
Esquerda, Direita
baixo, cima
Cima, baixo
Direita, Esquerda

O que significa up e down
Esquerda, Direita
Do lado
Baixo, cima
Nenhuma dessas
Cima, baixo

O que significa "Go Back"
Voltar ir
Ir voltar
Ir voltando

O que significa "At"
Para endereços
Para ruas
Para cidades
Para bairros
Nenhuma dessas alternativas

Observe a imagem e clique na alternativa correta: "lembrando que eu sou a seta azul" How can i go to the school Remember: Have some ways to go to the school, but we use the batter way
Go straight and turn right
Go away and turn right
Go straight and turn left
Go away and turn left

"Lembrete: Eu sou o Azul" How can i go to the library.
Go straight and turn left, around the corner on the hight street, you keep going straight across the park stay between the book shop and school
Go straight and turn left, around the corner in the hight street, you keep going straight across the park stay between the book shop and school
Go away and turn right, around corner in the hight street, go away and cross the park between book shop and school
Go straight and turn left, around the corner at the hight street, you keep going straight across the park stay between the book shop and school

Dessa vez eu sou o vermelho How can i go to the Camera shop
Go straight and turn left to the garden road and go ahead the river road so you will can saw in the corner the camera shop
Go ahead and turn left to the garden road and go away the river road so you will can saw in the corner the camera shop
Go straight and turn right to the garden road and go ahead the river road so you will can see in the corner the camera shop
Go straight and turn left to the garden road and go ahead the river road so you will can see in the corner the camera shop