Do you know about African Penguin?

Do you know about African Penguin?

There will be 5 questions about African Penguin

Imagem de perfil user: Davi Espíndola Guimarães



What do they eat?

Pilchards, round herrings, anchovies, horse mackerel, and other shoaling pelagic fish.
Potato chips, hamburguer, pizza, shushi.

Where is their habitat?

Coast of India
Coast of South Africa

How do they behave?

Bad Behavior, they peck at anyone
Social Behavior and your ability in swim a group.

What is your cientific name?

Susremed Sucsinehps
Spheniscus demersus

What are their characteristics?

They live on the southwest coast of India, being about 170 centimeters long, and weighing between 16.99 and 17.01 kg
They live on the southwest coast of Africa, being about 60 centimeters long, and weighing between 2.4 and 3.6 kg
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