Do you know about environment?

Do you know about environment?

english class quiz.

Imagem de perfil user: Nina Sisternes
Nina Sisternes


What is global warming?

What is global warming?

Global warming is the process of increasing the average temperature of the Earth's oceans and atmosphere caused by massive greenhouse gas emissions.
Global warming is a sistem used in England to keep houses warm in winter
Global warming is a Mayan prophecy that the earth will catch fire soon
What natural disaster is this?

What natural disaster is this?

What can we do to prevent flooding?

What can we do to prevent flooding?

Wash your hands
Do not throw trash on the street
Take short baths
What causes air pollution?

What causes air pollution?

Industries and cars burning coal and gasoline
Throwing trash in the sea
Tsunamis and earthquakes
Which of these are renewable energy sources?

Which of these are renewable energy sources?

Coal, hydropower and oil
Nuclear energy, oil and solar energy
Wind power, solar power and hydropower
What causes a tsunami?

What causes a tsunami?

air pollution
generally caused by earthquakes, however, other geological phenomena can cause this process
they are very strong waves that get too big
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