Do you really know Emma Watson??

Do you really know Emma Watson??

Test your knowledge of Emma Watson here!

Imagem de perfil user: Gabriela da Silva Torres


When was Emma Watson born?

When was Emma Watson born?

April 15, 1990
April 14, 1990
May 13, 1990
May 16, 1991
What is Emma's full name?

What is Emma's full name?

Emma Charlotte Watson
Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson
Emma Watson
Emma Duerre Watson
What is Emma's parents name?

What is Emma's parents name?

Jessica Louesby and Louis Watson
Jessica Watson and Louis Luesby
Jacqueline Luesby and Chris Watson
Jacqueline Watson and Chris Watson
What is the name of Emma's brother?

What is the name of Emma's brother?

Louis Watson
Felix Watson
Noah Watson
Alex Watson
How old was Emma Watson when she started filming Harry Potter and the sorcerer stone?

How old was Emma Watson when she started filming Harry Potter and the sorcerer stone?

9 year old
10 year old
8 year old
11 year old
How old was Emma Watson when she started filming the second Harry Potter movie (Harry Potter and the secret chamber)?

How old was Emma Watson when she started filming the second Harry Potter movie (Harry Potter and the secret chamber)?

10 years old
11 years old
13 years old
12 years old
How old is Emma Watson now (2021)?

How old is Emma Watson now (2021)?

33 year old
31 year old
30 year old
32 year old
Where did Emma went to college?

Where did Emma went to college?

New York University (NYU)
Brown University
Stanford University
Harvard University
Yale University
How od was Emma when she started filming Beauty and the Beast?

How od was Emma when she started filming Beauty and the Beast?

23 year old
25 year old
26 year old
30 year old
Where was Emma Watson born?

Where was Emma Watson born?

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