Do you really know the movie for all the kids I've ever loved ???

Do you really know the movie for all the kids I've ever loved ???

Test your english skills and try to get all the questions right !

Imagem de perfil user: Ingrid Pinheiro Damazio

1- What song plays in the scene where Lara J. and Peter are on the bus ?

I like me better
I like it

2- Who is Lara J.'s older sister ?


3- What Lara J. do during the winter trip ?

Prefer to stay with Lucas and the korean masks
Go out with Peter to go out

4-When does Lara J. have dinner at Peter's house about what they talk about at the and of the conversation ?

About Peter's brother
About Lara j.' mother

5- What are the names of Lara's crushes ?

Peter, Josh, Lucas, Jonh, kenny
Jonh, Alex, Peter, Josh, Max

6- Which movie was put on the contract ?

Fight club e Sixteen Candles
The Princess Diaries e Sixteen Candles
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