Do you really know the Sherlock Holmes tale?

Do you really know the Sherlock Holmes tale?

Based on Sherlock Holmes short stories

Imagem de perfil user: Laura Guimarães De Sá

Helen Stoner was very poor?

Yes she slept under a bridge !
No she was very rich !!
Helen stoner was poor?

Helen stoner was poor?

No she was very rich !!
Yes she sleep under a bridge !
How did Julia die?

How did Julia die?

She was poisoned by a snake.
She ate poisoned cake that her boyfriend gave !!
Why the police couldn't find out how julia died?

Why the police couldn't find out how julia died?

Because the cops were part of the speckled band.
Because this snake´s poison is difficult to find in a dead body.
What was the spleckled band?

What was the spleckled band?

It was a snake!
It was a band

What happened to Helen in the end?

She married a young man, and tried to forget about the deaths that occurred.
She died.
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