Dogs expressions

Dogs expressions

Quiz to discover your knoledge

Imagem de perfil user: Murilo Oliveira
Murilo Oliveira

Which expression is related to the sentence: I'm felling very bad and sick, I almost can't stand up

Sick as a dog
I'm as well as a dog
I'm a top dog

Which alternative is related with this sentence: He is the best no one is better then him.

Dog days
You can't teach an old dog new tricks
Top dog
Relate the image to the alternative

Relate the image to the alternative

in the dog house
top dog
Relate the image to the expression

Relate the image to the expression

Every dog has its day
Work as a dog
Relate the image to the expression

Relate the image to the expression

Gone to the dogs
Work like a dog
The hair of the dog
Let sleeping dogs lie
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