English questions

English questions

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Imagem de perfil user: Ana Almeida
Ana Almeida



Complete a frase: He ___ to my house to get my books

He goes to my house to get my books
He go to my house to get my books

Complete a frase: I always ___in the morning

I always runs in the morning
I always run in the morning

Complete a frase: He ___ at ___ house every week

he studies at feel house every week
he study at my house every week
he studies at my house every week

Os adjetivos possessivos são:

my, he, who, our, his, her
my, your, his, her, its, our, their.
my, your, how, his, her, its, our, their.

qual é a tradução das palavras when, want, know, why?

quem, quer, real, por que
quando, quer, saber, por que
quem, quer, saber, como

Os conectivos de contraste, são:

also, for instance, therefore, also
But, however, still, otherwise
first of all, besides, moreover, then

"Eu quero um amor maior, um amor maior que o meu":

I want a strong love, a strong love that mine
I want a small love, a bigger love than mine
I want a bigger love, a bigger love than mine

"Você sabe que eu vejo isso Eu sei que você é uma estrela"

You know that I see it I know you're a star
You want that I see it I want you're a star
You that I see it I know our a star

"Porque eu não quero perder você agora Estou olhando bem para a minha outra metade"

That I don't wanna lose you now I'm lookin' right at the other half of me
Cause I don't wanna lose you now I'm lookin' right at the other half of me
That I don't wanna who you now I'm lookin' right at the other half of me
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