English Quiz Game!

English Quiz Game!

Welcome to the Purple Group's quiz! This is our game to Teacher Alessandra and Teacher Juliani. We hope you all like it, good luck and enjoy! -Kisses, Purple Group

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Grupo Roxo



What some scientists often meet and talk about? Key Word: Cientistas

Animals in danger
National parks

What can countries do? Key Word: Países

They can study the old monarchy
They can open national parks, beautiful wild places
They can discover new wild islands

How do animals and birds live in national parks? Key Word: Parques nacionais

They can live freely, usually staying in trees and burrows
They live in danger, hunters always try to hunt them in national parks
They can live freely, but they always hide

Can people hunt animals? Key Word: Caçar

Animals can be hunted everywhere
Animals can only be hunted in national parks
Animals can be hunted anywhere, apart from national parks
No, animals cannot be hunted in none place, including national parks

Why are national parks so important? Key Word: Importância

They are very important because they protect the land and the animals
They are very important because these parks amuse people
They are very important because scientists study this type of park

Can politicans find ways to stop hunting? Key word: Parar a caça

Yes, but they can't stop the pollution
No, only scientists can find ways to stop hunting
Yes, they can also stop the pollution of the rivers, seas, sky, and land
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