English quiz made by Rafael,kailo,Martim and Crestiano.

English quiz made by Rafael,kailo,Martim and Crestiano.

Questions of right or wrong,try to hit them all.

Imagem de perfil user: Rafael Guerreiro 8A AG-13



What is the name of the place where the queen lives?

Buckingham palace
Buckingham palace
Oxford university
Oxford university
What is the name of the ferris Wheel in london?

What is the name of the ferris Wheel in london?

London eye
Tower bridge
What is the name from palace?

What is the name from palace?

Buckingham palace
Westminster palace
What is the best known name of great Bell?

What is the best known name of great Bell?

Tower bridge
Big beg
What is the name of this university?

What is the name of this university?

Big beg
Oxford university

How is the verb she/eat in the simple Future in the affirmative?

She won't eat
She will eat

How is the verb we/be in the simple Future in the interrogative?

We will be
Will we be

Who is the verb he/study in the simple Future in the negative?

He Will study
He won't study
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