English test with Student, Easy

English test with Student, Easy

Quiz very easy do teacher e student. Enjoy!

Imagem de perfil user: Jorge Daniel
Jorge Daniel



What's the translation of: amarelo, preto, cinza, verde, rosa, vermelho, roxo, marrom.

yellow, black, gray, gren, red, purple, brown
yellow, black, green, gray, pink, red, pourple, brown
yellow, black, gray, green, pink, rid, purple, brown
yellow, black, gray, green, pink, red, purple, brown

What's the correct pattern of pronouns in english

I am; You are; He is; She is; It is; We are; Threy are
I am; You are; He is; She is; We are; They are
I am; You are; He is; She is; It is; We are; They are
I am; You is; He are; She are; It are; We is; They is

What animals are right?

spider, froog, bear, butterfly
rat, squirrel, horsee, ant
cat, mouse, liom, dog, fish
bunny, dog, cat, lion, turtle, elephant

How do you say 1.153.234 in english?

one million, a hundred fifteen three thousant, two hundred thirty four
one million, a hundred fifteen three thousand, two hundred thirty four
one million, two hundred fifty three thousant, two hundred thirty four
one million, a hundred fifty three thousand, two hundred thirty four

What continuous verbs are right?

closing, wathing, washing, drinking, looking
running, climbing, walking, jumping, eating
walking, studying, writing, opening
washing, lokeing, climbing, reading

What are only adjectives?

Big, tall, blue, beautiful, short, bad, yellow
Ugly, sad, run, handsome, soft, white
Gray, small, nice, image, great, pink
Good, red, head, heavy, fantastic

What is the correct order of the months?

January; February; March; April; May; July; June; August; September; October; November; December
January; February; March; April; May; June; July; August; Setember; October; November; December
January; February; March; April; May; June; July; August; September; October; November; December
January; February; March; April; Mayo; June; July; August; September; October; November; December

What are the names of these objects: cup, plate, towel, soap, table, telephone

copo, prato, toalha, sopa, cadeira, celular
caneca, talher, pano, sopa, mesa, telefone
copo, prato, toalha, sabão, mesa, telefone
xícara, prato, toalha, sabão, mesa, telefone
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