Fake News Quiz (English version)

Fake News Quiz (English version)

Do you know what Fake News is? How can we identify a suspicious information as "fake"? Why do people spare fake news? Can you guess which news is real or not?

Imagem de perfil user: Laura Palermo Baraldi



How can we define "Fake News"?

It's just a invention that came with the internet. Mostly they are funny and unassuming.
It is false and distorted news material, which has the possibility of confusing people for misunderstanding.

When/who it has started?

No matter who started this phenomenon nowadays, fake news is not a contemporary invention, but it's modern structure is different from the others historical forms of journalism.
It all started in Donald Trump's election campaigns in 2016.

How can we prevent this?

Cursing and stalking the people who created the fake material. They don't deserve understanding.
Always checking the primary sources and who the authors are. Many quality newspapers have renowned journalists.

Why did Fake News become popular?

Usually, fake news is created to get readers attention, deceiving people by looking for trusted websites or suspicious information about organizations, even celebrities.
It doesn't matter, this kind of material it's mostly a prank.

It is Fake News dangerous?

No, nobody cares about the veracity of the information, it's all part of a joke.
Yes, because depending on the information involved, this can affect the lives of innocent people or even discredit institutions of respect.
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