Financial Math: Inflation

Financial Math: Inflation

Hey guys! This is a quiz created by Catarina Telles about inflation. ................................................................................................................

Imagem de perfil user: 12345

What is inflation?

Inflation is the increase of the prices of things in a given period of time, it decreases the purchesing power of the people.
Inflation is the equality between different prices of different things.

What is the cause of the inflation in the US?

The lack of supermarkets
The huge demand on the products and the cost of production that is increasing.

What are the three kinds of inflation?

Inflation big, inflation huge e inflation small
Flavinho's inflation, Bárbara's inflation and student's inflation
Demand-pull inflation, cost-push inflation and built-in inflation

What are the definition of the three types of inflation? 1- Built-in 2- Cost-push 3- Demand-pull

1- It is when inflation is caused when the companies raise the salaries of the employes and try to compensate it by raising the price of the products 2- Is when the prices increase and it becomes harder to produce things. 3- It is when there is a high demand for stuff and there is a very little quantity of this product.
1- Chocolate 2- Banana 1- Hamburguer

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