First Conditional

First Conditional

This is a quiz to find out if you really learned about first conditional

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What is First Conditional?

In the First Conditional, It is used to express a dialogue with a hypothetical meaning
In the First Conditional, they can indicate uncertainty, a desire with little chance of fulfillment.

What is the right training?

if + past perfect + would have, could have, might have + past participle.
The verb will always be in the present and in the sequence If Clause + Main Clause or Main Clause + If Clause: If (se) + verb in Simple Present + modal verbs in Simple Future (will or going to) + infinitive.

Modal Verbs: What does each idea express?

Can/could: express the idea of ​​possibility, ability or permission.
Can/could: conveys the idea of ​​proving a truth.

What does the modal verb interfere with in the first conditional?

Modals complete or change the meaning of the main verb and, therefore, their use directly interferes with the meaning of the sentences. In the first conditional, they can indicate uncertainty, a desire with little chance of fulfillment.
Modals complete but do not change the meaning of the main verb and, therefore, their use does not directly interfere with the meaning of the sentences. They can indicate certainty, a desire with many chances of fulfillment.

Which sentence is correct?

If I go to Salvador, I will see the Fonte Nova stadium
If you had phoned me, I would have known you were here
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