Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables

Choose the correct answer

Imagem de perfil user: Carla


Can you guess ? 
I am a fruit, my color is red or green. I am rich in fiber and minerals. I am the first letter of the alphabets

Can you guess ? I am a fruit, my color is red or green. I am rich in fiber and minerals. I am the first letter of the alphabets

It is a kiwi
It is an apple
It is a orange
Can you guess?
I am fruit my color is mix between red and yellow and I am long, so I am the favorite food for rabbits

Can you guess? I am fruit my color is mix between red and yellow and I am long, so I am the favorite food for rabbits

It is a pineapple
It is a orange
It is a carrot
Can you guess ?
I am a fruit and my color is red so you can serve for salad

Can you guess ? I am a fruit and my color is red so you can serve for salad

It is a tomato
It is a broccoli
It is a orange
Can you guess?
I am a fruit
I am very round and big
I am very sweet 
I am red inside and green outside

Can you guess? I am a fruit I am very round and big I am very sweet I am red inside and green outside

It is a cherry
It is a watermelon
It is a mago
Can you guess ?
I am a vegetable and my color is orange. People like to make things with me in Halloween

Can you guess ? I am a vegetable and my color is orange. People like to make things with me in Halloween

It is a potato
It is a pumpkin
It is a tomato
Can you guess?
I am a vegetable and if you take off my skin, I can make you cry

Can you guess? I am a vegetable and if you take off my skin, I can make you cry

It is a garlic
It is a banana
It is a onion
Can you guess?
I am fruit and my color is yellow and I grow on trees 
I am a popular food for monkeys

Can you guess? I am fruit and my color is yellow and I grow on trees I am a popular food for monkeys

It is a orange
It is a banana
It is a pineapple
Can you guess?
I am a very good fruit. My top is thin and my bottom is fat

Can you guess? I am a very good fruit. My top is thin and my bottom is fat

It is banana
It is coconut
It is a pear
Who I am?
I am a vegetable, I'm long and I am purple

Who I am? I am a vegetable, I'm long and I am purple

They are grapes
It is a red pepper
It is a eggplant
Can you guess?
My name finish with a vowel, I have a big hard seed inside and my colours are red, yellow, orange and green so I am rich in vitamin C

Can you guess? My name finish with a vowel, I have a big hard seed inside and my colours are red, yellow, orange and green so I am rich in vitamin C

It is a mango
It is a watermelon
It is a cherry
Can you guess?
I grow up underground and I have many eyes sometimes

Can you guess? I grow up underground and I have many eyes sometimes

It is a potato
It is a pumpkin
It is a coconut
Can you guess?
I am a fruit and I am the king of the fruits so I can see everything with my eyes

Can you guess? I am a fruit and I am the king of the fruits so I can see everything with my eyes

It is a pineapple
It is a orange
It is a carrot
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