Future Continuous Quiz
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in Future Continuous

"At this time tomorrow, I __________ (fly) to Paris."

b) will be flying

a) will flying

c) will fly

Which sentence is in the Future Continuous?

b) She will be visiting her grandparents next weekend.

a) She will visit her grandparents next weekend.

b) She will be visiting her grandparents next weekend.
c) She visits her grandparents next weekend.

Choose the correct sentence:

b) They will work on the project all day tomorrow.

c) They will be work on the project all day tomorrow.

a) They will be working on the project all day tomorrow.

Complete the sentence: "By the end of the week, we __________ (prepare) for the presentation."

b) will preparing

c) will be preparing

a) will prepare

What is the purpose of the Future Continuous tense?

b) To talk about actions that will be in progress at a specific time in the future.

a) To talk about actions that will be completed by a specific time in the future.

c) To talk about habitual actions in the future.