Future: Will or going to?

Future: Will or going to?

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Complete a Frase com will ou going to:

My brother_______15 years old tomorrow. (To be)

Complete a Frase com will ou going to: My brother_______15 years old tomorrow. (To be)

My brother will be 15 years old tomorrow.
Is my brother going to was 15 years old tomorrownt
My brother is going to 15 years old tomorrow.
My brother will was 15 years old tomorrow
Complete a Frase com will ou going to:

I_______ a boat to go out with my friends. (to buy)

Complete a Frase com will ou going to: I_______ a boat to go out with my friends. (to buy)

I'm will buy a boat to go out with my friends.
I'm going to buy a boat to go out with my friends.
I will bought a boat to go out with my friends.
Am i going to bought a boat to go out with my friends.
Complete a Frase com will ou going to:

My father_____me a dog. (To give)

Complete a Frase com will ou going to: My father_____me a dog. (To give)

My father will give me a dog.
My father is going to give me a dog.
Will my father give me a dog.
My father will gave me a dog.
Complete a Frase com will ou going to:

You_______a gift to your loved one? (To give)

Complete a Frase com will ou going to: You_______a gift to your loved one? (To give)

Aren't you going to give a gift to your loved one?
Are you going to gave a gift to your loved one?
Are you will give a gift to your loved one?
Are you going to give a gift to your loved one?
Complete a Frase com will ou going to, Negativa:

You ____ the movie "Five Nights at Freddy's"? (To watch)

Complete a Frase com will ou going to, Negativa: You ____ the movie "Five Nights at Freddy's"? (To watch)

Aren't you going to watch the movie "Five Nights at Freddy's"?
Are don't you will watch the movie "Five Nights at Freddy's"?
You will not watch the movie "Five Nights at Freddy's"?
You are not going to watch the movie "Five Nights at Freddy's"?
Complete a Frase com will ou going to:

I_______in the street with my friends.(to play)

Complete a Frase com will ou going to: I_______in the street with my friends.(to play)

I'm going to play in the street with my friends.
I'm going play in the street with my friends.
I'm will play in the street with my friends.
I going to play in the street with my friends.
Complete a Frase com will ou going to Interrogative:

Friend, you_______ school today.

Complete a Frase com will ou going to Interrogative: Friend, you_______ school today.

Friend, you going school today?
Friend, are you going to school today?
Friend, you are will school today?
Friend, is you going to school today?
Complete a Frase com will ou going to:

______ you____to the beach with me on Saturday?(to Go)

Complete a Frase com will ou going to: ______ you____to the beach with me on Saturday?(to Go)

Will you go the beach with me on Saturday?
Will you go to the beach with me on Saturday?
Will you went to the beach with me on Saturday?
Going you are go to the beach with me on Saturday?
Complete a Frase com will ou going to Negative:

I________in the afternoon.(to play)

Complete a Frase com will ou going to Negative: I________in the afternoon.(to play)

I'm not going to play in the afternoon.
I'm not will play in the afternoon.
I'm don't going to play in the afternoon.
Am not i going to play in the afternoon.
Complete a Frase com will ou going to:

I________the premiere of the movie "UP"!(to watch)

Complete a Frase com will ou going to: I________the premiere of the movie "UP"!(to watch)

I'm going to watch the premiere of the movie "UP"!
I'm going to watched the premiere of the movie "UP"!
I are going to watch the premiere of the movie "UP"!
I will watch the premiere of the movie "UP"!
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