General knowledge

General knowledge

test your general knowledge in this quiz

Imagem de perfil user: Giovanna Vitória Marcelino


How many liters of blood does a person usually have? On average, how many are taken in a blood donation?

How many liters of blood does a person usually have? On average, how many are taken in a blood donation?

It has between 4 to 6 liters. 450 milliliters are removed
It has 10 liters. 2 liters are removed
It has between 2 to 4 liters. 450 milliliters are removed
It has 7 liters. 1.5 liters are removed
Which is the smallest and largest country in the world?

Which is the smallest and largest country in the world?

San Marino and India
Nauru and China
Vatican and Russia
Monaco and Canada
60. What substance is absorbed by plants and exhaled by all living beings?

60. What substance is absorbed by plants and exhaled by all living beings?

the oxygen
iron dioxide
sodium nitrate
carbon dioxide
16. How long does it take for sunlight to reach Earth?

16. How long does it take for sunlight to reach Earth?

8 minutes
1 day
12 hours
12 minutes
51. What are the chromosomes that determine the male sex?

51. What are the chromosomes that determine the male sex?

The Xs
The Zs
The Y's
The V
The W
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