Greeting ou saudacoes em ingles

Greeting ou saudacoes em ingles

Quiz sobre materia da aula de ingles sobre saudacoes em ingles

Imagem de perfil user: Curso Online
Curso Online



Which of the following is the most formal way to greet someone?

Hi, what’s up?
Hello there!
Hey, how’s it going?
Good morning, how do you do? ✅

What does the phrase "Long time no see" imply?*

You haven't seen the person in a while.
You forgot someone's name.
Someone is upset with you.
You're saying goodbye.

In a professional email, which of these greetings is appropriate?*

Hey there!
Yo, what’s new?
Dear Sir/Madam, ✅
Hey there!

Which response is correct if someone says, “How’s it going?”*

Not much
What do you mean?
See you later.
Pretty good, thanks. ✅

What does “What’s the latest?” usually mean?*

Asking for the latest news or updates. ✅
Saying hello in a formal way.
Asking about the weather.
Inviting someone to dinner.
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