How many liters of water?

How many liters of water?

How many liters of water does it take to produce the following products?

Imagem de perfil user: Ana Leitão
Ana Leitão
How many liters of water is needed to produce a sheet of paper?

How many liters of water is needed to produce a sheet of paper?

10 Liters
3 Liters
5 Liters
7 Liters
How many liters of water is needed to produce a kilo of potatoes?

How many liters of water is needed to produce a kilo of potatoes?

290 Liters
53 Liters
100 Liters
220 Liters
How many liters of water is needed to produce a bar of chocolate?

How many liters of water is needed to produce a bar of chocolate?

1000 Liters
1700 Liters
2100 Liters
2000 Liters
How many liters of water is needed to produce a kilo of rice?

How many liters of water is needed to produce a kilo of rice?

1000 Liters
3000 Liters
2700 Liters
2500 Liters
How many liters of water is needed to produce a kilo of butter?

How many liters of water is needed to produce a kilo of butter?

5000 Liters
5500 Liters
5600 Liters
4000 Liters
How many liters of water is needed to produce a pair of jeans?

How many liters of water is needed to produce a pair of jeans?

7800 Liters
5000 Liters
9500 Liters
10 000 Liters
How many liters of water is needed to produce a car?

How many liters of water is needed to produce a car?

250 000 Liters
200 000 Liters
400 000 Liters
100 000 Liters
How many liters of water is needed to produce a liter of milk?

How many liters of water is needed to produce a liter of milk?

1 000 Liters
700 Liters
250 Liters
100 Liters
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