How Much Do You Know About Harry Potter

How Much Do You Know About Harry Potter

Good luck tô everyone

Imagem de perfil user: Maria Eduarda Oliveira Lima


What is Harry's full name?

What is Harry's full name?

Harry Riddle Potter
Harry Wesley Potter
Harry Simas Potter
Harry Tiago Potter ou Harry James Potter
How mano horcruxes did Voldemort crente and what are they?

How mano horcruxes did Voldemort crente and what are they?

There are 7 horcruxes and they are Tom Riddle's Diary, Mavolo Gaut's Ring, Salazar Slytherin's Medal, Helga Hufflepuff's Cup, Rosana Revenclaw's Tiara, Harry Potter and the Snake
There are 6 horcruxes and they are Tom Riddle's Diary, Mavolo Gaut's Ring, Salazar Slytherin's Medal, Helga Hufflepuff's Cup, Rosana Revenclaw's Tiara and the Snake
What is the name of the 3 unforgivable curses

What is the name of the 3 unforgivable curses

Cruciatus, Imperius e Avada Kedavra
Avada Kedava, Expecto Patronou e Expelliarmus
Who are the folders of Hogwarts houses

Who are the folders of Hogwarts houses

Harry Potter, Tom Riddle, Severo Snape and Alvo Dumbledore
Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw e Helga Hufflepuff
What is Hermione and Ron's Harry Patronus?

What is Hermione and Ron's Harry Patronus?

Ron's Patrounus is shaped like a Jack Russel Terrier, Who are known to hunt otters, Hermione's Patronus is an Otter and Harry's is a Deer
Ron's Patrounus is shaped like a wolf, Hermione's Patronus is a Fox and Harry's is a Lion
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