How much do you know about historical figures?

How much do you know about historical figures?

You like history? Come test how much you know about some of the most important historical figures of humanity!

Imagem de perfil user: marcia christini
marcia christini



Who was the South African leader who fought against apartheid and became the first black president of South Africa?

Leonardo da Vinci
Mahatma Gandhi
Nelson Mandela
Winston Churchill

Which British leader was Prime Minister during World War II and is widely considered one of the greatest war leaders in history?

Leonardo da Vinci
Mahatma Gandhi
Nelson Mandela
Winston Churchill

Who was the Italian Renaissance polymath known for his contributions to the arts, sciences and inventiveness?

Mahatma Gandhi
Leonardo da Vinci
Winston Churchill
Nelson Mandela

Which Indian leader led non-violent resistance movements against British rule and is known as the "Mahatma"?

Mahatma Gandhi
Winston Churchill
Nelson Mandela
Leonardo da Vinci

Which English scientist formulated the laws of motion and the theory of universal gravitation, considered one of the most important figures of the Scientific Revolution?

Charles Darwin
Galileu Galilei
Isaac Newton
Albert Einstein
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