how much do you know about one direction

how much do you know about one direction
one direction is the best band in the world and only my opnion matters :) 

when the band was formed?

september 8th,2009
july 23rd,2010
october 30th,2009
march 1st, 2010

who are the members of the band?

Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Zayn Malik
Zayn Payne, Liam Malik, Niall tomlinson, Louis Horan, Harry Styles
Niall Payne, Louis Styles, Liam Malik, Harry tomlinson, Zayn Malik

wich of the members doesnt have any kids

Zayn and Harry
Louis and Liam
Harry and Niall
Niall and Zaym

check the correct answer

Louis tomlinson acted in a movie called dunkirk
Harry Styles is not only a singer but also an actor
zayn´s wife is Perrie from little mix
Niall Horan´s album is called walls

wich of this songs does not have a movie?

what makes you beaultiful
little things
steal my girl
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