~Important women in the history

~Important women in the history

Take this quiz and test your knowledge about important women in our history.

Imagem de perfil user: RAYSSA SILVA



Who was Joana d'Arc?

The woman who fought in the 100 years war
The first woman to be part of the army and fight for independence

Which of these women painted "abaporu"?

Tarsila do Amaral
Frida Kahlo

Who was an important activist who fought for women and black rights in the USA?

Marie Curie
Angela Davis

Who was one of the biggest writers in brazilian literature?

Maria Quitéria
Clarice Lispector

Who is Rupi Kaur?

A famous indian poet
An american poet who remakes new versions of traditional stories

She won twice the nobel prize in different areas - physics and chemistry

Marie Curie
Rosa Parks

Who was the youngest person to win the peace nobel prize, when she was 17, and became a symbol of fight for education in the whole world, especially for fighting for womens right to study

Malala Yousafzai
Eleanor Roosevelt
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