Ingles Playgroud 4

Ingles Playgroud 4

aprenda ingles brincando.O ingles faz nos aprendermos milhares de coisas em ingles it´s the beautiful indioma (o ingles é uma indioma maravilhoso

Imagem de perfil user: Elias Sa Barreto Santos

green goo are eat hamburger. how about yellow boo

these are milk sharke
these are pizza

Buga boo are make a noise .How about Billy boo

These are listen to the echoes
Decode the symbols

Jelly and Bean are decode the symbols. How about Lolly and

They are draw
they are investigate the mistery

Igor are draw. how about May

These are hunt
These are paint

Oo-Ga-He are hunt. How about Oo-Ga-She

these care cook
these are draw

Robin banks are decode the symbols . How about The police offfices

they are eat
they are investigate the mistery
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