Kids 06 ccaa lesson 05

Kids 06 ccaa lesson 05

Kids 06 ccaa lesson 05

Imagem de perfil user: Taíla Marian
Taíla Marian


Where is the surfboard?

Where is the surfboard?

It's on the shelf
It's on the table
It's under the shelf
Where is the helmet?

Where is the helmet?

It's under the shelf
It's under the table
It's on the shelf
Where is my backpack?

Where is my backpack?

It's under the sofa
It's on the sofa
It's under the table
Where is my pencilcase?

Where is my pencilcase?

It's on the table
It's on the shelf
It's on the sofa
Where is my pencil?

Where is my pencil?

It's on the notebook
It's under the notebook
It's in the pencilcase
Where is the toolbox?

Where is the toolbox?

It's under the table
It's on the table
It's under the shelf
Where is the camera?

Where is the camera?

It's on the table
It's under the shelf
It's on the shelf
Where is the baseball bat?

Where is the baseball bat?

It's on the table
It's on the shelf
It's under the shelf
Where is my book?

Where is my book?

It's under the sofa
It's on the sofa
It's on the shelf
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