Lygia Fagundes Telles
Lygia Fagundes da Silva Telles ORB • OAL • OMDCGM • HC • OI (São Paulo, April 19, 1918[note 1] – São Paulo, April 3, 2022), also known as "the lady of Brazilian literature" and " the greatest Brazilian writer" while alive,[3][4][5] was a Brazilian writer, considered by academics, critics and readers to be one of the most important and notable Brazilian writers of the 20th century and of the history of Brazilian literature. In addition to being a lawyer, novelist and short story writer, Lygia was widely represented in postmodernism, and her works portrayed classic and universal themes such as death, love, fear and madness, in addition to fantasy.[6] She was born in the city of São Paulo, but grew up in Sertãozinho and other small towns in the interior of São Paulo, and since she was a little girl she has shown an interest in literature. At the age of eight, he moved to Rio de Janeiro, staying there for five years. Back in São Paulo, he enrolled at the Caetano de Campos Education Institute and became interested in literature. His literary debut was with the book of short stories Porão e Sobrado (1938), which was well received by critics; the success was repeated with Praia Viva (1944). After completing his law course at the Largo de São Francisco Law School, in 1946, where he met Mário de Andrade and Oswald de Andrade, Paulo Emílio Sales Gomes, among others, he joined the faculty's academy of letters and collaborated with the newspapers Arcadia and The Balance. The following year, she married Gofredo Teles Júnior, with whom she had Goffredo da Silva Telles Neto, marrying again in 1962 with Paulo Emílio Salles Gomes. Her third book of short stories, O Cacto Vermelho, released in 1949, received the Afonso Arinos Award from the Brazilian Academy of Letters. Her first novel, Ciranda de Pedra, published in 1954, was well received by critics and the public, making her nationally known. In parallel with her literary career, she worked as Attorney at the Institute of Social Security of the State of São Paulo, a position she held until her retirement, and was president of the Cinemateca Brasileira, founded by her husband Paulo Emílio. The 1970s were of paramount importance for Lygia and marked her literary success and international acclaim, given that it was during that period that she published some of her most acclaimed and prestigious works: Antes do Baile Verde (1970), whose short story gives its title the book won the Grand Prix at the International Writers' Contest, in France; As Meninas (1973), which won the Jabuti Prize, from the Brazilian Chamber of Books, the Coelho Neto Prize from the Brazilian Academy of Letters and "Fiction" from the São Paulo Association of Art Critics; and Seminar dos Ratos (1977), for which he won the Pen Club of Brazil. She joined the Academia Paulista de Letras in 1982 and, in 1985, occupied chair number sixteen of the Academia Brasileira de Letras, taking office on May 12, 1987. That same year, she became a member of the Academy of Sciences in Lisbon . Among his other successes are: Verão no Aquário (1964), Mistérios (1981), As Horas Nuas (1989) and Invenção e Memória (2000). The writer had her books translated into German, Spanish, French, English, Italian, Polish, Swedish, Czech, in addition to numerous editions in Portugal. Collaboration of his authorship can be found in the Portuguese-Brazilian magazine Atlântico.
1. Lygia is also known as.
The Greatest Romantic Songwriter of the 20th Century
The greatest female artist of famous paintings
Founded the largest museum in Brazil
The greatest Brazilian writer
02. Lygia had great representation in postmodernism, and...
His works portrayed classic and universal themes such as...
His works portrayed English and international themes such as...
His works portrayed children's and universal themes such as...
His works portrayed musical themes such as...
03. In which region was she born?
Born in the region of Rio de Janeiro
Born in the city of São Paulo
Born in the city of Salvador
Born in Brasilia
04. What was your first book?
Viva Beach
The Red Cactus
stone circle
Basement and House
05. With which book did Lygia win the tortoise prize?
The girls
Basement and House
Rat Seminar
Invention and Memory
site: https://www.projetoagathaedu.com.br/questoes-vestibular/literatura/autores/lygia-fagundes.php 06. (ACAFE) Regarding the works nominated for the Acafe Vestibular – Winter 2021, check the alternative that refers to the short story “The hunt”, by Lygia Fagundes Telles.
Para compor o espaço físico onde a ação irá se desenvolver, empregam-se imagens de percepção sensória. Assim, o leitor sente o cheiro da loja: “tinha o cheiro de uma arca de sacristia com seus panos embolorados e livros comidos de traça”; tem a sensação do tato, por intermédio da personagem, que, “com a ponta dos dedos, o homem toca em uma pilha de livros”; vê detalhes do lugar, “uma mariposa levantou voo e foi chocar-se contra uma imagem de mãos decepadas”.
The theme of blackness is evoked in many texts, such as “Emparedado”, in prose, in which “due to a banal question of the biological chemistry of the pigment, some of the most rebellious and curious fossils are concerned, ruminating on primitive eruditions, lost and harnessed by the long underwater galleries of an infinite, crushing, irrevocable wisdom”.
The first doctor to examine the main character Vicente Mascarenhas is identified as the person in charge of the Hospício Observation Pavilion. The next day, the exam would take place early in the morning, after Vicente had spent the night with people considered miserable and indigent, who were taken to the asylum in police cars.About this doctor, whose name is not revealed, the narrator made the following observation: "a young man, because he was, in all respects, intelligent, friendly and good..."
After emphasizing that the king “had a cruel vocation for hunting ferocious bees” to the point of going “many days without eating” when he dedicated himself to it, he combines grandiose and minuscule elements in a period – “in the bustle of the hunt, armed with a slingshot and tiny sharp stones, demanded that the slaves open the forests with long imperial machetes” – from whose confrontation results irony and ridicule.
Site: https://www.projetoagathaedu.com.br/questoes-vestibular/literatura/autores/lygia-fagundes.php 07. (UFN) About the work of Lygia Fagundes Telles, mark the incorrect alternative.
By incisively exposing human weaknesses, he explores the states of anguish in which his characters find themselves, experiencing immense loneliness.
The theme of the love relationship between man and woman stands out in most of his short stories.
The writer's short stories almost always bring the man at the center of the narratives, addressing the various facets that make up the male interior.
The urban space, in its varied gallery of social types, provided Lygia Fagundes Telles with raw material for the construction of her narratives.
Site: https://www.projetoagathaedu.com.br/questoes-vestibular/literatura/autores/lygia-fagundes.php 08. The novel As Meninas, published by Lygia Fagundes Telles in the ___________ decade, places at the center of the narrative three female university students who live in a boarding school in the city of ___________, during the _______________ in force in the country, a period to which the political activity of ____________ and of your boyfriend.
Seventy / São Paulo / the military dictatorship / Lia.
Seventy / São Paulo / the military dictatorship / Lorena.
Seventy / Belo Horizonte / the military dictatorship / Lorena.
Eighties / São Paulo / the redemocratization process / Lia.
Site: https://www.projetoagathaedu.com.br/questoes-vestibular/literatura/autores/lygia-fagundes.php Read the dialogue between the characters in the mentioned novel – Lia and Lorena –, then answer the following: "- English? I ask. - I prefer our cookies and our music. Enough of cultural colonialism. “But our music doesn't move me, dear. If your Bahians say they are desperate, I believe it, I think it's great. But if John Lennon comes and says the same thing, then I vibrate, I become mystical. I'm mystical. “You're fresh. (TELLES, Lygia Fagundes. The girls. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2009, p.13) 09. The dialogue presents antagonistic positions, registering the debate between nationalism and foreign influences. This debate was NOT present in the productions of:
Regionalist novel of the 30s.
Site: https://www.projetoagathaedu.com.br/questoes-vestibular/literatura/autores/lygia-fagundes.php (FDV) The novel As Meninas, by Lygia Fagundes Telles, forty years after its release, can still be considered current for the following reasons, EXCEPT:
Speaking of problems still faced by women today, such as the search for recognition and fulfillment in the emotional sphere.
For skillfully expressing the intimate dilemmas of human beings in the emotional, social and political spheres.
For highlighting the serious social problem of extreme poverty.
For dealing with topics such as drug use, abuse and lack of affection.