Madeleine McCann

Madeleine McCann

Now you will have to answer 5 questions

Imagem de perfil user: Eduarda Monteiro Pereira

Choose the alternative that has the correct name of the girl you think is Madeleine

Júlia Faustina
Júlia Faustyna
Julia Wandelt
Julia Wamdet

what is the name of the parents of madeleine?

Julia and Gerry McCann
Kate and Gerry McCann
Kate and Jerry MCann
Kate and Helge McCann

When Madeleine desapered?

May 7, 2008
March 7, 2008
May 3, 2007
May 8, 2003

what is the name of the main suspect in the Madeleine case

Gerry McCann
Helge Busching
Christian Brueckner
Julio Wandelt

what is the name of the christian's ex-friend?

Helge Busching
Helge Buschyng
Christian Brueckner
Gerry McCann
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