Marketing Quiz - En

Marketing Quiz - En

This questionnaire aims to aggregate and determine your digital marketing knowledge.

Imagem de perfil user: Stihl


What is a feed?

What is a feed?

Feed is a platform designed to manage content on the Internet.
A feed is a social network for your audience to communicate and develop ideas.
A feed is a tool on social media profiles designed to filter information.
A social media feed is a generic term for the flow of user conversations.
What is a hashtag?

What is a hashtag?

A hashtag (#) is a way to create groups on social networks to share your content.
A hashtag (#) is a way to connect your social media posts to other posts on the same topic.
Search engines use a hashtag to find important content.
A hashtag (#) is a way to differentiate and emphasize your content and your social media posts.
What is the difference between impressions and reach?

What is the difference between impressions and reach?

Impressions are metrics used by search engines to find relevant profiles and reach is the number of times your customer visits your profile.
Reach is the number of times your content is displayed and impressions are the number of people who see your content.
Impressions are the number of times a person recommends your content and reach is the number of people who subscribe to your company profile.
Impressions are the number of times your content is displayed and reach is the number of people who see your content.
What is social listening?

What is social listening?

It is the practice of doing social projects to contribute to society.
Social listening is the practice of listening to what society needs and looking for actions within your scope to help people.
It is the practice of understanding corporate issues and knowing how to convey them to your peers. This is a metric of how many support calls went unanswered.
The practice of monitoring public comments about the brand and its products or services across social channels, websites, blogs and forums to gain insight into brand perceptions and customer experience.
What is abandonment rate?

What is abandonment rate?

This is a metric of how many projects could not be completed.
A key retention metric for businesses that represents how many customers a given company has gained as a percentage of its existing customer base.
This is a metric of how many support calls went unanswered.
A key metric for companies that represents how many customers a given company has lost as a percentage to its existing customer base.
What is conversion rate?

What is conversion rate?

Conversion rate is when you start buying from your competitor.
Conversion rate is the percentage of people who convert to being a customer (buyer of your product) of your company.
Conversion rate is how many customers stop buying one product and start buying another.
The percentage of prospects that convert (by completing a key transaction, making a purchase, signing up for an account or becoming a subscriber) compared to the total number of leads.
What is marketing automation?

What is marketing automation?

Marketing automation is the use of communication systems to support your customer.
Marketing automation is the use of TV ads with the objective of delivering your content through this channel.
Marketing automation is social media and email marketing.
Marketing automation is the automatic execution of recurring marketing tasks with the goal of increasing the efficiency of marketing processes and the effectiveness of marketing decisions.
What is interaction rate?

What is interaction rate?

Interaction rate is a metric used to measure the level of interest of people in different business niches.
Interaction rate is a metric used to measure the level of interaction between people and social networks and how important their use is.
Interaction rate is a metric used to measure the level of interaction of those involved in your tasks.
Interaction rate is a metric used to measure the level of interaction of people reached by your network's posts. It uses the relationship between engagement (reactions, shares, comments...) and reach.
What is SEO?

What is SEO?

Search Engine Operations (Operaciones de motor de búsqueda).
Send Email Out (Enviar correo electrónico).
Search Expectation Optimization (Optimización de la expectativa de búsqueda).
Search Engine Optimization (Optimización de motores de busqueda).
What is SEM?

What is SEM?

Search Engine Media (Medios del motor de búsqueda).
Search Engine Marketing (Marketing de motores de búsqueda).
Search Engine Metrics (Métricas del motor de búsqueda).
Search Expectation Marketing (Marketing de expectativas de búsqueda).
What is CTR?

What is CTR?

CTR (Click through rate) is a term used to measure the number of users who click on an ad, against the total number of users who see that ad.
CTR (Click through rate) is a metric used to measure the number of likes a profile receives during the day, month or year.
The CTR (Click through rate) is the number of times a potential customer is informed about your company's product on your website.
CTR (Click through rate) is a term used to measure the number of users who like your message versus the total number of users who see that message.
What is CPC?

What is CPC?

Cost Per Campaing (Costo por campaña).
Cost per Client (Costo por cliente).
Cost Per Conversion (Costo por conversión).
Cost Per Clic (Costo por click).
What is CTA?

What is CTA?

"Call to action" is the technique for tailoring your ad content to all available users, regardless of location.
CTA (call to action) is the technique of adjusting the content of your ad based on your company's demand, it allows you to include or exclude users from a target audience based on the company's sales territory.
"Call to action" is the technique of adjusting the content of your ad based on sales demand, depending on sales need, products can be included or excluded.
"Call to action" is the technique of adjusting the content of your ad based on a user's location. Users can be included or excluded from a target audience based on their region, country, state, city, zip code or address.
What is Link Building?

What is Link Building?

Link Building is the effort or set of actions designed to increase the speed of access to your website.
Link Building is the process of providing access through a link.
Link Building is the effort or set of actions designed to increase the number of external links pointing to your website.
Link Building occurs when a link is designed to appear in a larger number of searches.
What is digital marketing?

What is digital marketing?

They are communication actions that companies can use through the Internet, mobile and other digital media, to promote and market their products or services, attracting new customers and improving the loyalty of existing customers.
These are communication actions that companies can use through radio, television and other media, to promote and market their products or services, attracting new customers and improving the loyalty of existing customers.
They are communication actions that companies can use as catalogues, brochures, calendars and other media, in order to promote and market their products or services, attracting new customers and improving the loyalty of existing customers.
These are sales promotion actions that companies can use through the Internet to promote and market their products.
What are the advantages of digital marketing?

What are the advantages of digital marketing?

Its reach is maximum, ideal results, easy management in the planning and management of campaigns.
There are no advantages over traditional marketing.
The reach is maximum, versatile, instant communication, instant results in real time, cost effective, easy to reach the target audience, easy to measure and optimize campaigns.
Digital marketing has the advantage of showing the number of users that are on their platforms and passing reports on customer profiles.
What are the types of digital marketing?

What are the types of digital marketing?

Search Engine Marketing; Display Advertising; Mobile Marketing; Social Media Marketing; Email Marketing; Influencer Marketing; Video Marketing; Re-Marketing
Search Engine Marketing; Display Advertising; Mobile Marketing; Cross Channel Marketing; Email Marketing; Affiliate Marketing: Video Marketing; Audio Marketing, Marketing "Word of Mouth"
Content marketing; Search Engine Marketing; Mobile Marketing; Social Media Marketing; Email Marketing; Influencer Marketing; Affiliate Marketing; Video Marketing; Audio Marketing.
Content marketing; Search Engine Marketing; Display Advertising; Mobile Marketing; Cross Channel Marketing; Email Marketing; Affiliate Marketing; Video Marketing
Why is content marketing important for digital marketing?

Why is content marketing important for digital marketing?

Content marketing allows potential customers to find your company and services through useful, informative and engaging content. An effective technique is to use additional premium content on your website, such as eBooks and newsletters, to further attract your customers.
Content marketing allows your company to find services, with useful, informative and attractive content. An effective research technique is to procure additional premium content on web pages, such as eBooks and newsletters.
Content marketing allows your company to search for useful, informative and engaging content on the Internet. Effectively utilize additional premium content and thus enhance the company's website.
Content marketing allows strangers to find your company and your services through television, links. An effective technique is to use additional premium content in your brochures and catalogues to further attract your customers.
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