Media and technology!!

Media and technology!!

Test your knowledge about media and technology!! :))

Imagem de perfil user: Bianca Vieira
Bianca Vieira
What is the most popular social media platform??

What is the most popular social media platform??

What is Instagram for ??

What is Instagram for ??

Watch videos and subscribe to channels.
Make friends, maintaining existing friendship and see publications.
Match people.
What is radio???

What is radio???

Is one electronic equipment that is use to play games.
A piece of electronic equipment used for listening to broadcasts.
Complete the sentences!!
- I need ________ so I can chat with my friends.
- I like watching ________ on Netflix.

Complete the sentences!! - I need ________ so I can chat with my friends. - I like watching ________ on Netflix.

1- TV 2- games
1- internet 2- series
Which of these is a negative consequences for teens that use social media platforms (internet).

Which of these is a negative consequences for teens that use social media platforms (internet).

Depressed, bullying and bad results at school.
Great results at school, high self-esteem.
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