qual frase ta no present simples
I am going to the shopping mall.
He is eating a sandwich.
He plays basketball at school.
Verbos que terminam em –ss, –sh, –ch, –o, –x: acrescenta-se –es. Verbos que terminam em consoante + y: retira-se o –y e, depois, acrescenta-se –ies. Verbos que terminam em vogal + y: acrescenta-se –s. Quanto à conjugação das outras pessoas, o verbo permanece da mesma forma.
Are you drinking
My mother is making me a scarf.
She loves candy.
qual frase ta present simples
I have been teaching at that school since August.
I have been singing for the last hour.
I always see my social media in the morning.
qual frase ta no present simples
She teaches French at the university.
Say yes to new adventures.
The best is yet to come.
qual frase ta no present simples
She teaches French at the university.
Every picture tells a story.