Misunderstood Animals

Misunderstood Animals

This is a quiz about misunderstood animals and some myths about them

Imagem de perfil user: Me ;-;

Me ;-;


Which option is a common mistake that people make about snakes?

That they don't have teeth
That they live under the ground
That they can fly
That they are slimy

Why are people scared of bats?

Because of many myths and false stories
Because they can turn people into vampires
Because they are poisonous
Because they hunt people's pets

What animal in the list is not a misunderstood animal?

None of the above

Mark the correct alternative about cockroaches

They prefer to live in dirty places
They are very easy to destroy
They like eating the nectar of flowers
They clean themselves as much as cats do

Mark the wrong alternative about wasps

The wasps only sting people because they like
They inject their eggs into their living pray
The wasps who sting are generally protecting their young or respoding to humans who yell or swing their hands at wasps
Most wasp species don't sting at all

How are snakes' skin in real life

Smooth and dry
Slimy and furry
Smooth and furry
Slimy and disgusting

Why do cockroaches hide wherever they can?

It doesn't really have a reason, they do it because they want
Because they think it's cozy
Because they are dirty pests
They do that in order to survive

About wasps mark the correct option

Wasps are not crutial in any ways
People love wasps
They have a bad reputation
People aren't scared of wasps at all

What are some other reasons that people fear bats?

Because they think that they are flying rats and that they are blind
Because they enter people's house when it's dark
Because they give people heart attacks
Because they eat fruit
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