Modern art Quiz

Modern art Quiz

I hope you like our quiz, enjoy it, because it was made with love (:


what its the modern art?

Modern Art is the set of artistic expressions that emerged in Europe at the end of the 19th century and lasted until the mid-20th century.
Modern art is an artistic genre that focuses on static and inanimate objects.
Artistic processes involving modern arts that have their particularities in relation to the production of works and their arrangement in spaces. Also particular are the possibilities of experiences that these works promote by being placed in the world.

where does modern art take place?

São Paulo and Europa
France and spain

Which of the images is part of modern art?


what day is modern art week

august 6th
december 22th
January 30th
February 16th
February 13th
what is the name of this work of the week of modern art?

what is the name of this work of the week of modern art?

The student

how long does modern art week last?

10 days
4 days
6 days
1 week

what is the meaning of the work abaporo?

The work has a moderate deformation and deviates from the classic models.
its meaning is "man who eats people" or "man-eating man".
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