Monitoria - 08/11 a 12/11

Monitoria - 08/11 a 12/11

Esse quiz tem como intuito ajudar a fixar a matéria relacionada a Simple Past e Present Perfect.

Imagem de perfil user: Duda Shrek
Duda Shrek


Complete a frase a seguir 

I ____ never __________ this TV series.

Complete a frase a seguir I ____ never __________ this TV series.

Qual a melhor forma de completar a frase a seguir?

I _____ bored recently.

Qual a melhor forma de completar a frase a seguir? I _____ bored recently.

have been
had been
Em qual tempo verbal está a sentença a seguir? 

You have studied for a long time.

Em qual tempo verbal está a sentença a seguir? You have studied for a long time.

Present Perfect
Simple Past
Leis as frases abaixo e identifique se elas estão no Present Perfect ou no Simple Past:

1. I’ve been wearing this dress since this morning
2. I wore this dress for hours

Leis as frases abaixo e identifique se elas estão no Present Perfect ou no Simple Past: 1. I’ve been wearing this dress since this morning 2. I wore this dress for hours

Simple Past / 2. Simple Past
Simple Past / 2. Present Perfect
Present Perfect / 2. Present Perfect
Present Perfect / 2.Simple Past
Complete a frase abaixo corretamente:

_____ you ______ how happy he looks today?

Complete a frase abaixo corretamente: _____ you ______ how happy he looks today?

Have / noticed
Has / notice
Have / notice
Has / noticed

Como você responderia a frase a seguir? Have you seen a Marvel movie?

No, I never see.
No, I had never seen.
Yes, I have seen all the movies.
Yes, I already see.
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