O quanto você sabe sobre animais silvestres

O quanto você sabe sobre animais silvestres

Um quiz para testar seu conhecimento!

Imagem de perfil user: Laura Beatriz
Laura Beatriz



What is the preferred habitat of most monkey species

forest, savannah and swamp
forests and savannas temperate
a house with lots of hanging supports and lots of food

What does an anteater normally eat?

small insects (termites, larvae, centipedes, worms...)
just ants
tree leaves

What is the difference between a domestic animal and a wild animal?

Wild animals live in captivity, while domestic animals are always free.
Wild animals live in natural ecosystems and have wild behavior, while domestic animals live more in artificial environments and have had their behavior changed by this interaction.
Wild animals are always fierce, while domestic animals are always tame.
The domestic is born at home and the wild is born in the wild

What to do if you find an injured wild animal?

call on environmental professionals to take appropriate action
do nothing
pick it up and take it home to take care of

How many wild animals are victims of trafficking in Brazil per year?

1 million animals
38 million animals
50 thousand animals

What is the activity that most stimulates the trafficking of wild animals in Brazil?

animals for pet stores to become pets
artisans who use feathers and fur
pest population control
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