Past Continuous (Passado Continuo)

Past Continuous (Passado Continuo)
- Some tips (algumas dicas): 1. Uso dos verbos "was" e "were"; 2. I/He/She/It devem ser acompanhados de "was"; 3. You/We/T... Veja mais
Complete the sentences (Complete as frases):

1-)He ______ (to cry) alone.

Complete the sentences (Complete as frases): 1-)He ______ (to cry) alone.

Was cry
Were crying
Was crying
2-) Carl and Cris ________ (to watch) TV.

2-) Carl and Cris ________ (to watch) TV.

Were walting
Were watching
Were waltching
3-) They ______ (not cry).

3-) They ______ (not cry).

Was crying
Were not crying
Not were crying
4-) We ______ (not cook) diner

4-) We ______ (not cook) diner

5-) Marie ______ (to work) in Hollywood.

5-) Marie ______ (to work) in Hollywood.

Working were
Were working
Was working
Turn into questions (Transforme em perguntas):

1-) He was making dinner.

Turn into questions (Transforme em perguntas): 1-) He was making dinner.

He was making dinner?
Was he making dinner?
He was making a donut for dinner?
2-) They were doing their homework.

2-) They were doing their homework.

Were they working from home?
Were they doing their homework?
Were they doing their homework.
3-) Marie was sleeping.

3-) Marie was sleeping.

Marie was sleeping?
Was Marie a mimir?
Wasn´t Marie sleeping?
Was Marie sleeping?
4-) The teacher was teaching.

4-) The teacher was teaching.

Were the teacher teaching?
The was teacher teaching?
Was the teacher teaching?
5-) Silver coin was worth much more.

5-) Silver coin was worth much more.

Were silver coins worth much more?
Was the silver coin worth much more?
Translate the sentences (traduza as frases:)

1-) Was Spider-Man far from home?

Translate the sentences (traduza as frases:) 1-) Was Spider-Man far from home?

O Homem-Aranha estava subindo pela parede?
O Homem-Aranha estava longe de casa?
O Miranha estava longe de casa?
2-) Ela estava dando aula.

2-) Ela estava dando aula.

She were teaching.
Was she teaching.
She was teaching.
3-) Was she walking around that place?

3-) Was she walking around that place?

Ela anda por aquele lugar?
Ela estava andando por aquele lugar?
Ela anda por aquele lugar.
4-) They were very extravagant.

4-) They were very extravagant.

Eles estão muito extravagantes.
Eles estavam muito extravagantes.
Eles vão ficar extravagantes.
5-) Eles passaram pelo ensino médio, nem parecia que ia acabar. Foram bons tempos...

5-) Eles passaram pelo ensino médio, nem parecia que ia acabar. Foram bons tempos...

They was together in high school, it didn´t even look like it were going to end. It were good times...
They were together in high school, it didn´t even look like it was going to end. It was good times...
They was together in high school, it didn´t even look like it was going to end. It was good times...
They were together in high school, it didn´t even look like it were going to end. It was good times...
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