Perguntas de História e biologia em inglês

Perguntas de História e biologia em inglês

10 perguntas,5 pra cada matéria. História e sobre a segunda guerra mundial,o assunto de biologia são as doenças cisticercose e teniase. Nomes; 2BT Yasmim Nayara Lívia

Imagem de perfil user: Yasmim Costa
Yasmim Costa


What was the cause of the second world War?

What was the cause of the second world War?

When Germany invaded Poland
the assassination of the Hungarian heir of Austria Franz Ferdinand
Who were the main allies of the second world War?

Who were the main allies of the second world War?

United kingdom,France,soviet union and united startes
Germany,italy and japan
When the second world War started?

When the second world War started?

July 28,1914
September 1,1939
Which countries Wonder the second world War?

Which countries Wonder the second world War?

France,united states,soviet union kingdom
Italy,united states,soviet union kingdom
How long did the second world War Last?

How long did the second world War Last?

7 years
6 years
What are the phases of taenia solium?

What are the phases of taenia solium?

Egg,cysticerci and adult
Egg and adult
How do you get infected with taeniasis disease?

How do you get infected with taeniasis disease?

Eating pork or beef with cysticerci
Eating pork or beef with eggs
How to combat the disease cysticercosis and taeniasis?

How to combat the disease cysticercosis and taeniasis?

Don't walk barefoot
Basic sanitation
What are the symptoms of cysticercosis?

What are the symptoms of cysticercosis?

Stomach ache
Headache and convulsions
What are the hosts of taeniasis and cysticercosis?

What are the hosts of taeniasis and cysticercosis?

Pig or beef and plants
Pig or beef and Man,from cysticercosis and only man
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