Phrasal Verbs: Daily Life!

Phrasal Verbs: Daily Life!

Choose the most appropriate answer for each context.

Imagem de perfil user: Cleriston Santos Matos


I think movies are my thing, so i think i could ________ video making!

I think movies are my thing, so i think i could ________ video making!

Look Into
Catch Up
Come Over
What if you invite them to ________ for a sleep over this weekend?

What if you invite them to ________ for a sleep over this weekend?

Come Over
Work Out
Figure Out
You can really embrace the positive friends you have and ________ those bad girls at school.

You can really embrace the positive friends you have and ________ those bad girls at school.

Do Away With
Walk Away
Cook Up
My boss don't want to give me a raise, i think i can ________ into it!

My boss don't want to give me a raise, i think i can ________ into it!

Put Him With
Win Him Over
Talk Him Into
What about reading? Maybe that will help you ________ some ideas

What about reading? Maybe that will help you ________ some ideas

Help Out
Focus On
Fight Back
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