Pizza Tower Quiz

Pizza Tower Quiz

How Far Do You Know Pizza Tower?

Imagem de perfil user: Colin


Who Is The Noise?

Who Is The Noise?

Boss From Floor 3.
Peppino's Son.
The Main Villain.
Peppino's Lil Brother.
Who Is Snick?

Who Is Snick?

The Scrapped Pizza Tower's Hedgehog.
The Main Villain.
Floor 5's Boss.
Sonic's Brother
Who Is PizzaFace?

Who Is PizzaFace?

Scrapped Pizza Tower's Villain In The VERY Early Demo.
Peppino's Helper.
The Main Villain.
A Background Character.
Why Is Pizzaface The Main Villain?

Why Is Pizzaface The Main Villain?

He trapped pepperman in pizza tower and peppino needs to help him.
He trapped peppino in the pizza tower.
He wanted to shoot at Peppino's Pizzeria with a giant laser.
He trapped peppino's wife in the pizza tower.
Who is PizzaHead?

Who is PizzaHead?

Peppino's Best Friend.
Scrapped Main Villain From Early Development.
The Actual Main Villain.
Scrapped Easter-Egg.
Someone Pizzaface Trapped In Pizza Tower.
Who Is Pillar John?

Who Is Pillar John?

Gerome's Brother.
An Easter Egg that can be found at floor 1.
A Monster.
A Demon.
Why Is PizzaHead The Main Main Villain?

Why Is PizzaHead The Main Main Villain?

He, After All, Tried To Kill Everyone By Making The Pizza Tower Go Down
He Kills Peppino If He Is Bad.
He Trapped Pepperman.
He Is The Demon Behind PizzaFace.
What Are The Toppins?

What Are The Toppins?

Little Fellas That Roam Around The Levels And Floors For No Reason.
Little Fellas We Save To Get Money To Open The Boss Gates.
Little Fellas We Need To Give To A Monster.
Who Is Pepperman?

Who Is Pepperman?

The Scrapped Main Villain.
The Second Boss. (From Floor 2.)
Peppino's Friend
The Boss From Floor 1.
Who Is Vigilante?

Who Is Vigilante?

The Boss From Floor 2.
The Scrapped Main Character.
An Normal Enemy From Levels.
The Scrapped Main Villain.
What Is Pizza Tower Inspired On?

What Is Pizza Tower Inspired On?

WarioLand Series.
Nothing, Its His Own Game.
Mario, Obviously.
Sonic The Hedgehog Series.
What Is Pizza Tower: Scoutdigo?

What Is Pizza Tower: Scoutdigo?

Pizza Tower 2
five nights at freddy's
A Fan-Game.
A DLC For Pizza Tower.
What Is Sugary Spire?

What Is Sugary Spire?

The First Pizza Tower Fangame.
Pizza Tower 2.
A DLC For Pizza Tower.
In Development Pizza Tower's New Game.
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