Praticando seu inglês

Praticando seu inglês

Assuntos: Prefixos e sufixos; pronomes interrogativos e future tense Alunas: Hellen Cardoso Gomes e Lorena Cardoso 2° "A" Tempo Integral

Imagem de perfil user: Hellen Cardoso
Hellen Cardoso



1) Assinale a alternativa que contém apenas SUFIXOS :

chair, table, quickly
color, hardly, pen
quickly, hardly, certainly.

2) Assinale apenas a frase que contém SUFIXO:

she sang beautifully
there’s no possible of going out in this rain
educate ia the greatest treasure of a country

3) Assinale a alternativa que contém apenas PREFIXOS:

quickly- disable- biggest
activity- hardly- antibiotic
Hardly - quickly- certainly
antivirus- antibiotic- disable

4) Assinale apenas a frase que contém um PREFIXO:

alcohol has antibacterial protection against viruses.
Mariana is a lovely person.
today the teacher gave an activity.

5)Marque somente a alternativa que corresponde a pronomes interrogativos:

where does she go when she leaves the office?
that purse is mine
I love her.
is that your ring?

6)Assinale a alternativa que contém o pronome “quem”:


7) Qual alternativa apresenta pronomes interrogativos?

when, where, who.
wer, wim, us.
yourself, myself, ourself

8) Marque a alternativa que a frase se encontra no future tense:

will probably go to Rio de Janeiro next year.
I went to the beach yesterday.
really want to go to the mall
I've been studying at home for two years.

9)Qual das frases abaixo NÃO está no future tense?

i went to the zoo last week
Maybe it will rain around here today.
I am going to the beach this weekend.
I think I'm going to the park today.

10) Em relação ao FUTURE TENSE, assinale a alternativa correta:

I went to my grandma's house today.
I'm going to the beach this weekend.
last week i went to the cinema.
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