Praticando seu inglês

Praticando seu inglês

Assuntos: Prefixos e sufixos; pronomes interrogativos e future tense Alunas: Hellen Cardoso Gomes e Lorena Cardoso 2° "A" Tempo Integral

Imagem de perfil user: Hellen Cardoso
Hellen Cardoso



1) Assinale a alternativa que contém apenas SUFIXOS :

chair, table, quickly
color, hardly, pen
quickly, hardly, certainly.

2) Assinale apenas a frase que contém SUFIXO:

she sang beautifully
there’s no possible of going out in this rain
educate ia the greatest treasure of a country

3) Assinale a alternativa que contém apenas PREFIXOS:

quickly- disable- biggest
activity- hardly- antibiotic
Hardly - quickly- certainly
antivirus- antibiotic- disable

4) Assinale apenas a frase que contém um PREFIXO:

today the teacher gave an activity.
Mariana is a lovely person.
alcohol has antibacterial protection against viruses.

5)Marque somente a alternativa que corresponde a pronomes interrogativos:

where does she go when she leaves the office?
that purse is mine
I love her.
is that your ring?

6)Assinale a alternativa que contém o pronome “quem”:


7) Qual alternativa apresenta pronomes interrogativos?

wer, wim, us.
yourself, myself, ourself
when, where, who.

8) Marque a alternativa que a frase se encontra no future tense:

I went to the beach yesterday.
I've been studying at home for two years.
really want to go to the mall
will probably go to Rio de Janeiro next year.

9)Qual das frases abaixo NÃO está no future tense?

I think I'm going to the park today.
Maybe it will rain around here today.
I am going to the beach this weekend.
i went to the zoo last week

10) Em relação ao FUTURE TENSE, assinale a alternativa correta:

last week i went to the cinema.
I'm going to the beach this weekend.
I went to my grandma's house today.
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