Present continuous

Present continuous

Present continuous exercises

Imagem de perfil user: jackeline menezes
jackeline menezes



What is a present continuous?

The action of the subject at the moment it is being practiced
An action that has already happened

What is the rule of the interrogative?

Subject+verb to be on the correct form+verb on the base form with ING
Verb to be on the correct form+subject+verb on the base form

What is the rule of the negative?

Subject+verb to be on the correct form+verb on the base form with ING
Subject+verb to be on the correct form of negative+verb on the base form with ING

What is the rule of the affirmative?

Verb to be on the correct form+subject+verb on the base form with ING
Subject+verb to be on the correct form+verb on the base form with ING

Which is wrong and which is right?

He is talk loud
He is talking loud
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