Present Continuous

Present Continuous

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Imagem de perfil user: Adriano Menezes
Adriano Menezes


What is Mark doing?

What is Mark doing?

He's reading a book.
He's watching TV.
He's talking on the phone.
He's surfing the Internet.
What are they doing?

What are they doing?

They're eating at a restaurant.
They're taking a plane.
They're working.
They're dancing.
What are Sarah and Andrew doing?

What are Sarah and Andrew doing?

They're waiting for the bus.
They're playing games.
They're talking.
They're listening to music.
What is he doing?

What is he doing?

He's using the computer.
He's playing a game.
He's eating lunch.
He's writing.
What is she doing?

What is she doing?

She's playing soccer.
She's dancing.
She's swimming.
She's running.
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