Present Perfect

Present Perfect

know more about the simple past

Imagem de perfil user: Pietro Tavares
Pietro Tavares



The present Perfect is a verb tense that :

Expresses actions influenced by the future
Expresses actions influenced by the past
Expresses actions influenced by the present

What is the formation of the Present Perfect in the affirmative form?

Verbo auxiliar to have no Simple Presente + sujeito + verbo principal no particípio Passado + complemento
Sujeito + verbo auxiliar to have no simple present + verbo principal no Particípio Passado + Complemento
Sujeito + verbo auxiliar to have no Simple present + Not + verbo principal no Particípio Passado + Complemento

Which of the sentences below is not in the Present Perfect Simple?

I bought that candy every day
My family has been to London.
He played in pain

Choose the correct opnion: James and Rose_____ to the park one time

have been
have be
Has been

which of the sentences below are in the present perfect in the negative form?

I haven't eaten at that restaurant yet.
I ate at that restaurant.
I didn't play football.

which of the sentences are in the interrogative form ?

I Haven't play
Have we play ?
We have played

Which sentence is correct?

They Has studied English ?
They Have studied English ?

I ____ ____ my room (Clean)

has / cleaned
have / clean
has / clean
have / cleaned
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