Present Perfect

Present Perfect

Good Luck! Trabalho de inglês

Imagem de perfil user: Gustavo Zamorano
Gustavo Zamorano


What is the present perfect for?

What is the present perfect for?

It is used to link phrases
Indicate habitual actions that occur in the present
Is used to indicate a link between the present and the past
Is used to talk about actions that were completed in the past
How do we use the present perfect?

How do we use the present perfect?

When we express some action in the past that has repercussions in the present or still continues in the present
When we express some action in the present that has repercussions in the past or still continues in the present
Indicate the state of something or someone, for this it will always be accompanied by a personal pronoun
It is used to talk about actions that were completed in the past, as well as situations or customs that were repeated and no longer happen
How is the present perfect formed?

How is the present perfect formed?

Subject + had + main verb in past participle + complement
Subject + auxiliary verb to have (was/were) conjugated in the present (simple present) + main verb in the past participle (past participle).
The present tense of the verb "to be" + the "present participle" of the main verb
Subject + auxiliary verb to have (have/has) conjugated in the present (simple present) + main verb in the past participle (past participle).
When do you use has or have?

When do you use has or have?

Has is used with the 3rd person singular (he, she eit) and have with the other people (I, you, we and they).
Have is used with the 3rd person singular (he, she eit) and has with the other people (I, you, we and they).
Has is used with the 1st person singular (he, she eit) and have with the other people (I, you, we and they).
Complete the sentence with has or have: I___with car

Complete the sentence with has or have: I___with car

Complete the sentence with has or have: You___a big house

Complete the sentence with has or have: You___a big house

Complete the sentence with has or have: She___a black dog

Complete the sentence with has or have: She___a black dog

Complete the sentence with has or have: It (my dog) ___ a ball

Complete the sentence with has or have: It (my dog) ___ a ball

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