Present perfect

Present perfect

2° A Quiz sobre present perfect

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__________ you __________ caviar, Helen?

__________ you __________ caviar, Helen?

Has … ate
Has … eaten
Have … ate
Have … eaten
He __________ never __________ a car before.have - driven

He __________ never __________ a car before.have - driven

has – driven
have - driven
has - drive
hasn’t - driven
I __________ Susan for 10 years.

I __________ Susan for 10 years.

have know
have known
‘ve knew
‘ve know
• A: Would you like some more whisky?
 • B: Yes, you ___________ it.

• A: Would you like some more whisky? • B: Yes, you ___________ it.

have already drinking
already drink
have already drink
have already drunk
Things ___________ a lot since October.

Things ___________ a lot since October.

are changing
has changed
changed has
have changed
Na frase “Botswana has cancelled the licenses of two professional hunters who shot dead a research elephant. O verbo se encontra em que tempo verbal?

Na frase “Botswana has cancelled the licenses of two professional hunters who shot dead a research elephant. O verbo se encontra em que tempo verbal?

Present Perfect
Simple presente
Past Continuos
Past Perfect
In the sentence “Video has become one of the most cost-effective ways to promote (…)”, the underline structure is in the present perfect tense. This means the action:

In the sentence “Video has become one of the most cost-effective ways to promote (…)”, the underline structure is in the present perfect tense. This means the action:

Started at some point in the past and is still in progress.
Was completed in a definite past.
Will happen in the future.
Will be completed soon.
The sentences below are in present perfect tense – simple or continuous. Which one is INCORRECT?

The sentences below are in present perfect tense – simple or continuous. Which one is INCORRECT?

She has been liking ballet since she was 8.
Have you ever been abroad?
Haven’t you been to the US twice?
Identifique as frases onde o uso do Present Perfect está correto:

Identifique as frases onde o uso do Present Perfect está correto:

The Chinese have invented printing.
She has lost her keys. That’s why she can’t open the door.
We have traveled to Japan last year.
I have done a lot of tasks today.
I __________ my newborn nephew yet.

I __________ my newborn nephew yet.

have visited
haven’t visit
have visit
haven’t visited
Paul ___________ in Germany since 1998.

Paul ___________ in Germany since 1998.

has lived
will live
Things ___________ a lot since October.

Things ___________ a lot since October.

have changed
changed has
are changing
has changed
My brother _________ to me for months.

My brother _________ to me for months.

has not written
don’t write
doesn’t write
has not being written
________________ his watch yet?

________________ his watch yet?

Don’t he find
Hasn’t he found
Didn’t he found
Doesn’t he find
He’d been a businessman before he ___________ an actor.

He’d been a businessman before he ___________ an actor.

has become
Which is the correct form?

Which is the correct form?

Mr. Patrick have been our professor since March.
Mr. Patrick has been our professor since March.
Mr. Patrick is our professor since March.
The Mr. Patrick is our professor since March.
I ________ my car ________ three years.

I ________ my car ________ three years.

Have Lived/ Since
Have had/ for
Has Had/ For
Has Lived/ Since
My best friend ________ in New York ________ he was born.

My best friend ________ in New York ________ he was born.

Have Been/ Since/ For/ Known
Has Been/ Since/ Have/ Had for
Have Had/ For/ Since/ Known
Has Lived/ Since
The weather ________ beautiful ________ the beginning of the month. We ________ sunshine ________ almost three weeks.

The weather ________ beautiful ________ the beginning of the month. We ________ sunshine ________ almost three weeks.

Has Been/ For
Have Been/ For
Has been/ since/ have/ had for
Have Had/ For
I ________ my best friend ________ more than fifteen years.

I ________ my best friend ________ more than fifteen years.

Has Lived/ for
c) Have Been/ For
Have Known/ For
Have Had/ For
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